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My WYLD Life
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We are a platform that explores amazing images and intimate experiences of wildlife from the lenses of celebrated photographer Roy Zetisky located in some of the most exotic game reserves throughout Africa.
WYLD Pic of the Week:
“Big Guy Heading Our Way”
Mabitzi, one of the bull elephants at Gondwana, can come across as quite menacing when he is in direct approach, but actually he is just a gentle giant taking a walk in this beautiful reserve!
WYLD Vid of the Week:
“Love Sweet Love”
From recent observations, wildlife are doing a way better job at spreading love, than humans. They also seem to have a much better grasp, at the importance of co-existing with nature and mother earth.

Meet Roy.
Roy has been photographing the magnificent creatures of South Africa for over 10 years.

A portion of the proceeds will go to supporting various game reserves in Africa including Gondwana Private Game Reserve.

Gondwana Game Reserve
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This Week’s Wyld Friends
Into the Sunset
Blue crane: South Africa’s national bird. Orange sky: Part of South Africa’s natural beauty.
The Wonders of Africa
The Savanna – and the Gondwana Game Reserve – at its glorious best.
Mom’s in the back, close enough to referee if needed. The disdainful teen is up front, leaning ever-so-slightly away. The baby? Apparently stirring things up.
Seeing Triple?
Everybody knows a giraffe’s famously long neck allows it to eat from the tallest of trees. Another use? PHOTO BOMBS!
Shimmer Lake
In long periods of drought, elephants have been known to dig their own waterholes – and allow other species to reap the spoils. And sometimes they just chill at the water’s edge.
Night Menace
Baboons are cunning and fearless, and they’ll get over on anyone unwise enough to leave their snacks unsecured. (They’ve torn through roofs!)
Training Wheels Off
Newborns don’t really have the luxury of easing into life in the wild. This zebra is no more than a day or two old, and already Mom has nudged it to its feet for a jog.
Your Mane Man
Unique among big-cat species are the majestic manes rocked by male lions, and they’re not just for show. The big boys with thicker, more lustrous ‘dos tend to do better with the ladies.
Dinner's Getting Cold!
With one unmistakable roar, lionesses call their cubs to meal times. They’re usually not far; cubs stay very close to mama, and vice-versa.
Power Nap
The hunt can be exhausting–but don’t let Big Daddy fool you. For lions, it’s the females who do most of the hunting and “bring home the bacon.”
The HEAR-t of Africa
Elephant ears are as distinct and unique as a zebra’s stripes. Every edge tells a story.
A Slice of Paradise
The vegetation in which this big guy is roaming is called “fynbos” which is shrubland native to the Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa.
International Festival of Owls
Barn owls who see so well they can catch a mouse in total darkness, are about the size of a small cat but only weigh about a pound.
Clever Girl
While a lot of animals get their own holiday, owls were clever enough to snag a whole week! That definitely deserves a cheeky wink at the camera.
Who You Calling a Dope?
Many types of owl – this handsome specimen is actually called a Dopey Owl – can rotate their necks up to 270 degrees. “The Exorcist,” anyone?
Coming Together: Synchronicity
The beautiful, aerodynamic design of Sable antelopes delights people every day at the Gondwana Game Reserve, but the synchronicity of a moment like this can inspire even a veteran photographer.
The spectacular wildlife is the main draw at South Africa’s Gondwana Game Reserve, of course, but the scenery and particularly the sunsets are every bit as special.
The Long and Short of It
African elephants only get one pair of tusks, which are unrooted – similar to human baby teeth – and can’t regrow.
This is NOT the Day to Test Me
We all have bad days. Car won’t start, kids won’t stop, you name it. You’re being bugged, and you just want to be left alone. These everything-annoys-me days happen in the wild as well.
You've Been Warned
Hippos are pretty peaceful plant-eaters, but they frequently flash their very large, very sharp teeth with a massive jaw that opens up to 180 degrees and four feet wide as a reminder…
Belly Up!
When a pride of lions polishes off a big meal, its members typically wander off into the bush for a nice, quiet nap of digestion, to “hide and sleep it off.”
Rare Air
Giraffes are the tallest land animals on the planet – up to 19 feet! – but that famously long neck has only seven bones, same as humans. Just WAY bigger.
Oh, Deer
Despite being called a “waterbuck”, this beautiful animal is not actually a deer.
What About Me??
As those big boys in the back trudge off, this waterbuck turns its attention to getting some camera time.
Growing Into My Antlers
Black Springbok are rare today, but they used to gather in groups of a million or more – and they can run up to 55 miles per hour!
No, I'm NOT Into Punk Rock
Fabulous mohawks aren’t entirely unique to zebras. Other “equids” have them too, like wild donkeys, Asiatic onagers, and Przewalski horses.
A Roll in the Mud
Elephants will often coat themselves with mud or dust as a form of protection from insects and the elements.
Is There Anybody Out There?
After assisting with a documentary about aliens, photographer Roy Zetisky spotted this lion staring up at … what?
End of the Week: Waterbuck
This “End of the Week” has a nice “ring” to it that our waterbuck is proud to show off.
Those Eyes!
Unlike domestics, who have slit pupils, lions have round pupils that help them see better at night, and the white stripes directly below their eyes help reflect in low-light conditions.
Growing Up Fast
Elephants such as this one, photographed at Addo Elephant Park in South Africa, weight about 250 pounds and are three feet tall at birth.
World Pangolin Day 2023
Pangolins are the most heavily trafficked non-human mammal in the world. Even though they are federally protected, poaching for their scales and meat are at an all-time high.
All Heart
Baby elephants come together to show their heart at Addo Elephant Park. “This shot has love written all over it. Elephants really care for each other. We can learn a lot from them.”
Love in the Air
Does anyone NOT think of hearts when flamingos are on hand?
Mama's Watchful Eye
Just like kids who don’t want to get out of the pool, hippos spend up to 16 hours per day in the water.So for photographers at Gondwana Game Reserve, shots like these are rare.
Tough Love
Even though these hippos are fighting, their mouths form together to make a heart. I guess they know that World Hippo day is the day after Valentine’s.
We See You
Hippos can stay underwater for five minutes on a single breath, and they spend so much of their day in the water, they even nap there. They’re very aware – and protective – of their surroundings.
Not to gossip, but when elephants engage in this kind of friendly “trunk wrestling,” it’s often a sign of courtship behavior. It’s really about being connected and relationships. Elephants really are gentle giants.
The utility of an elephant’s trunk is incredible.
This youngster is actually using his to shield his eye from the blazing sun. -
You're Getting Too Big for This!
“She’s literally carrying the load on her back,” says photographer Roy Zetisky, adding with a laugh, “This isn’t exactly a small baby, either.” This is why there are no Baby Bjorns for carrying teenagers.
Close Encounters of the Tall Kind
Most of the time, photographer Roy Zetisky goes to the animals. On occasion they’ll come to him, however, as was the case when a group of five or six giraffes visited his villa to nibble on some nearby trees.
Hide and Seek
Life in the wild can be rough, especially for the youngsters learning the ropes – and the lessons – of survival. But all work and no play would be a borderline-tragic waste of all this cuteness, right?
WYLD End of the Week: Lion
The week has ended, so we’ve decided to bring a couple of ends ourselves. Have a great weekend, WYLD ones!
OK, This Thing Better Have GPS
Photographer Roy Zetisky thought he had seen it all when he came upon this unlikely duo on a recent trip to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.