Dinner’s Getting Cold!
With one unmistakable roar, lionesses call their cubs to meal times. They’re usually not far; cubs stay very close to mama, and vice-versa.

OK, This Thing Better Have GPS
Photographer Roy Zetisky thought he had seen it all when he came upon this unlikely duo on a recent trip to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. No, these lions have not evolved to drive cars–these fully-grown females were just chilling out in the shade of an old prop vehicle.

Power Nap
The hunt can be exhausting–but don’t let Big Daddy fool you. For lions, it’s the females who do most of the hunting and “bring home the bacon.”

Your Mane Man
Unique among big-cat species are the majestic manes rocked by male lions, and they’re not just for show. The big boys with thicker, more lustrous ‘dos tend to do better with the ladies.

Those Eyes!
Unlike domestics, who have slit pupils, lions have round pupils that help them see better at night, and the white stripes directly below their eyes help reflect in low-light conditions.

Is There Anybody Out There?
After assisting with a documentary about aliens, photographer Roy Zetisky spotted this lion staring up at … what?

Belly Up!
When a pride of lions polishes off a big meal, its members typically wander off into the bush for a nice, quiet nap of digestion, to “hide and sleep it off.

This is NOT the Day to Test Me
We all have bad days. Car won’t start, kids won’t stop, you name it. You’re being bugged, and you just want to be left alone. As photographer Roy Zetisky notes, these everything-annoys-me days happen in the wild as well.

WYLD End of the Week: Lion
The week has ended, so we’ve decided to bring a couple of ends ourselves. Have a great weekend, WYLD ones!

Hide and Seek
Life in the wild can be rough, especially for the youngsters learning the ropes – and the lessons – of survival. But all work and no play would be a borderline-tragic waste of all this cuteness, right?