Black as Night
Entirely nocturnal, black-banded owls are a threatened species most frequently found in North America and South America, and they’re incredibly reclusive and difficult to study.

Heavy, Man
Great horned owls are one of the heaviest of the species, and their faces are considered feline-like, so they’re sometimes called cat owls.

Who You Calling a Dope?
Many types of owl – this handsome specimen is actually called a Dopey Owl – can rotate their necks up to 270 degrees.

Clever Girl
While a lot of animals get their own holiday, owls were clever enough to snag a whole week! That definitely deserves a cheeky wink at the camera.

International Festival of Owls
Barn owls who see so well they can catch a mouse in total darkness, are about the size of a small cat but only weigh about a pound.

Into the Sunset
Blue crane: South Africa’s national bird. Orange sky: Part of South Africa’s natural beauty.