You’ve Been Warned
Hippos are pretty peaceful plant-eaters, but they frequently flash their very large, very sharp teeth with a massive jaw that opens up to 180 degrees and four feet wide as a reminder: You do NOT want this beast coming for you.

We See You
Hippos can stay underwater for five minutes on a single breath, and they spend so much of their day in the water, they even nap there. They’re very aware – and protective – of their surroundings.

Tough Love
Even though these hippos are fighting, their mouths form together to make a heart. I guess they know that World Hippo day is the day after Valentine’s.

Mama’s Watchful Eye
Just like kids who don’t want to get out of the pool, hippos spend up to 16 hours per day in the water.So for photographers at Gondwana Game Reserve, shots like these are rare.